A New Dawn Is Here With Peter Mbah In The Driving Seat

With nature speaking out in monumental proportions and the elements pouring out rain in somewhat amazing dimensions, a New Dawn beckons in the land of Hills and Valleys. Enugu the moment and the hour is here, as a New Dawn replete with great promises unfold.

Our Team on ground in the capital city of Enugu State, have told us how the heavens have poured out its belly since the night of the 28th of May, 2023, and have continued to do so in a manner never seen in ages. It does appear a befitting close of an era and a wonderful opening of the new. The Chief Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi era like everything consonant with the transience of power comes to an end today, as a new watchman comes in the saddle.

We are positive that Barrister Peter Ndubuisi Mbah will hit the ground running. We are confident that he ‘knows the road’. And we are going to be on him to make sure he lives real and true to the promises he made Ndi’Enugu.

He has assured us that he will not let Ndi’Enugu down. He says to everyone that this moment and hour calls for folded sleeves and boots, that there is no time to engage in the luxury of officialdom, and that the day to take Enugu State to greater heights is here. We wish him well.

We pray that like he assembled an awesome Transition Team of eggheads and professionals, that he diligently goes to work with the best Team of Advisers, Aides and Commissioners he can find. Yes, our nation is replete with excellent minds and thinkers of repute, he must find and engage them.

As a Technocrat in Politics he knows that success has no short cuts, he must come to the party with competent, capable and credible hands, he must surpass the feats of his predecessors, and he must deliver on the Olympic promises he has made the people of Enugu State.

We wish all the elected public office holders taking the Oath of Office today the best, as we insist that they understand that the raging minimum across the nation today is a call to service not sleaze. A call to sacrifice not selfishness. A call to patriotism not profligacy. A call to dedication to common good not the depletion of our collective patrimony. And a call to effective and effectual inclusion not exclusion. We wish Ndi’Enugu and indeed Nigerians well.

Engr. Ogbonna Nwaiwu
Professionals For Good Governance PFGG.

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