By Daniel Kor.

The administration of President Muhammadu Buhari was marked by many challenges, such as economic instability, rising inflation, and widespread poverty. These factors contributed to a decline in living standards for many Nigerians, making it difficult for them to meet their basic needs.

Under the current administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, these issues have persisted, and some have even worsened. This has led to growing discontent and frustration among the population, especially as the Christmas season approaches. The rising cost of living is making it difficult for people to celebrate the holidays, and many are struggling to provide for their families.

Tomorrow marks Christmas day,(December 25, 2023), and many people in Nigeria will be experiencing a mixture of emotions. Some will be hopeful, filled with the joy of the season and anticipating a celebration with family and friends. Others will be struggling with the difficulties of life, facing hardship and despair.

This dichotomy will be felt throughout the country, as both happiness and suffering coexist on this holiday. I wish the government and individuals could try to ease the burden of those who are struggling, it is important to recognize that not everyone will experience the holiday in the same way. But the fundamental question is, did the government and anyone care about Nigerians? The answer remains in God we trust.

On this Christmas Day, we must also remember those who are suffering in the hospitals, praying for healing and comfort. We can offer up our prayers for them, asking God to grant them peace and strength. We can also offer practical help, such as donations to hospitals or charities that provide care for the sick. Even as we celebrate the joy of the season, let us not forget those who are in need.

Let us reach out to them with compassion and love, offering what help we can. In this way, we can truly embody the spirit of Christmas.
Compliment of the season to you all.

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