Abdullahi O. Haruna Haruspice: The Conferment of the Title of Oma Eju Ejeh-Gaaku Well Deserving

By Eneojo Herbert

In the heart of Kogi State, particularly the Igala speaking area, the title of Oma Eju Ejeh-Gaaku is a distinguished honor, reserved for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional service, leadership, and commitment to their community. Today 21st June 2024, this prestigious title is being conferred upon Abdullahi O. Haruna Haruspice by His Royal Highness Alhaji Abubakar Ahmad Yakubu II, the Ejeh Ankpa. This recognition is not just a testament to Haruspice’s personal achievements but also a reflection of his profound impact on the Ankpa people and his immediate Imane community and beyond.

Abdullahi O. Haruna Haruspice is a name synonymous with dedication, integrity, and community service. His journey is marked by a series of accomplishments that underscore his commitment to uplifting those around him. As a prominent figure in media, public affairs and distinguished Author, Haruspice has utilized his platform to advocate for transparency, good governance, and social justice. His efforts have significantly contributed to the socio-political discourse in Nigeria, providing a voice for the voiceless and holding leaders accountable.

The conferment of the title Oma Eju Ejeh-Gaaku is particularly significant because it acknowledges Haruspice’s roots and his ongoing commitment to his heritage. Born and raised in Imane, Haruspice has always maintained a strong connection to his community. Despite his national and international engagements, he has never lost sight of his beginnings and has continually sought ways to give back to his people. This title not only recognizes his achievements but also celebrates his unwavering dedication to his homeland.

Haruspice’s contributions to the Ankpa and indeed Imane community are multifaceted. He has been instrumental in various developmental projects aimed at improving the quality of life for the people. From educational initiatives to healthcare and infrastructural development, his efforts have been geared towards creating sustainable growth and development. His advocacy for youth empowerment has also been a cornerstone of his work, recognizing that the future of any community lies in the hands of its young people.

His Royal Highness Alhaji Abubakar Ahmad Yakubu II’s decision to confer this honor upon Haruspice is a reflection of the high esteem in which he is held by the traditional leadership and the people of Ankpa. The Ejeh Ankpa, known for his wisdom and discernment, has always been a custodian of culture and tradition, ensuring that honors such as these are bestowed upon individuals who truly deserve them. In recognizing Haruspice, HRH Alhaji Yakubu II acknowledges not only his personal achievements but also his enduring commitment to the values and progress of the Ankpa community.

The title Oma Eju Ejeh-Gaaku translates to a leader with foresight and wisdom, qualities that Haruspice embodies in his daily life. His visionary approach to leadership, coupled with his deep-seated sense of responsibility, makes him a role model for many. He is a beacon of hope and inspiration, demonstrating that true leadership is about service, humility, and a relentless pursuit of the common good.

Against this backdrop, the conferment of the title of Oma Eju Ejeh-Gaaku upon Abdullahi O. Haruna Haruspice by HRH Alhaji Abubakar Ahmad Yakubu II, the Ejeh Ankpa, is a well-deserved honor that celebrates a life dedicated to service and excellence. Haruspice’s contributions to his community and his country are profound and lasting. This recognition serves as a reminder of the impact that one individual can have when driven by a genuine desire to make a difference. As Oma Eju Ejeh-Gaaku, Haruspice will undoubtedly continue to lead with wisdom and foresight, guiding his community towards a brighter and more prosperous future.

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