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Journalists tasked on need to increase positive reportage On Taxation

In a bid to encourage increased tax compliance by Nigerians, mdia practitioners have been urged to increase public awareness on the enormous benefits of tax in nation building and advancement.

This charge was made at a stakeholder engagement on FIRS tax processes with media practitioners (print, electronics and online) in Lagos.

The lead paper presenter, Michael Oche who is the Group News Editor, Nigerian Pilot newspapers during his presentation, noted that the positive aspects of taxes to the Economic advancements of the country are most times under reported by the media.

He noted that when taxpayers are exposed to positive news on the uses of revenue generated from taxes, they are more likely to pay their taxes correctly.

He explained that the essence of the stakeholders meeting was to build the capacity of media practitioners on the FIRS tax processes.

Oche said: “ The media has a critical role to play in increasing public awareness through its traditional role of enlightenment and education. However, to be able to perform this role effectively, media practitioners must themselves understand the subject matter.”

Speaking further, he said the media has key role to play in increasing tax compliance among tax payers, saying this is very crtical to helping the government generate more revenue to finance public infrastructure and provide social services to Nigerians.


In his words, “It is an admitted fact that making tax benefits a part of day-to- day life through constant media reporting can help taxpayers feel closer to tax administrations and play vital roles in taxpayers compliance decision. It includes raising awareness of the societal benefits of public spending enabled by tax; educating tax payers of specific tax issues and their obligations.

“As the tax system relies on voluntary compliance, it is important that the media creates sufficient information. It is commonly held that taxpayers are often unaware of their rights and obligations. Mass information campaigns may be a useful tool to help build tax morale.”

Continuing Oche maintained that apart from obligations, it is also important that media highlights how taxes are spent and distributed. Showing taxpayers the social utility of taxes can help change their perceptions about tax, which too often emphasize the costs while dismissing the benefits.

“Media report bad news at a pace that does not mirror reality thereby discourages compliance. Providing taxpayers with factual information about the use of tax revenues may increase income self-reporting and tax compliance. Reporting news stories basically focusing on successful public projects funded with tax revenues. Reporting evidence of how tax revenues increase public welfare. Taxpayers exposed to positive news are more likely to pay their taxes correctly.”


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