

By Chief John Akpereshi

It was on a sunny Saturday, March of 1991, the doorbell suddenly rang. Four of us were sitting in the living room all eyes glued to the television. Me it was who moved to have it opened.

A fairly tall man adorned in a safari attire was by the door. Behind him closely was another young man in his early thirties who had accompanied the man before me. He gazed at me and declared gently, “I am here to see your Daddy”. I asked back politely; “Sir, is he aware you were coming?”, “Yes he knows” was the response. Looking at his age and appearance, I didn’t probe further but let him in. I ushered him to one of the vacant sofa seats. The other gentleman stayed back. He sat gazing around. “please, can you tell your Daddy I am here now”, was the next I heard from the soft words of the visitor-stranger. I asked back; and who do I tell him is here? He replied, “Dr. Iyorchia Ayu from University of Jos”. I walked in and declared, Dad, one Iyorchia Ayu is here to see you. Dad asked I should take him to his personal study room. I knew at once this man was not among the usual of the Tiv men that would thronge the house always for financial assistance. In our house, No. 5, Airport road, along Nasco Biscuit and Carpet Company, Anglo-Jos, Plateau State, that study room was very special and hosted only special persons to the man the University lecturer had come to see that day, my foster father, Wantaregh Paul Unongo. It became my first day to meet Iyorchia Ayu.

The over one-hour discussion in the study room hinged on politics. My usual chores obligations could take me constantly in and out and the arguments were filtered into my ears. Ayu was a columnist with The Analyst Magazine Published in Kaduna. During the discussion, I heard very well Unongo persuasions of Ayu to join active politics based on his noble and constructive ideas he was always putting to pen to which him (Unongo) was always impressed reading. Unongo had insisted if Ayu has such radical and virile opinions, he could make a better politician. Ayu declined Unongo’s request vehemently he never wanted to be a politician but determined to pursue his career in the academics. He left eventually. This topic of discussion continued as Ayu became a constant visitor to the house. Eventually, Ayu bowed to pressure when Unongo insisted that he needed a couple of elites to join him so they could change the face of Benue Politics and have a strong force and serious representation.
In the very beginning, Ayu’s hand was to be tried on Unongo’s Presidential campaign. When Unongo was seeking Presidential Nomination under the platform of the defunct Social Democratic Party (SDP) in 1990. Unongo appointed Ayu, who was then, a lecturer with the University of Jos, his coordinator, Northern Zone. Ayu was to also rally round within the Academic circle and woo support for Unongo. He was placed on an attractive “welfare” and incentives that Unongo constantly paid to him to facilitate his assignment.

The level of devotion and enthusiasm exerted by Ayu further endeared him to his political leader who then insisted Ayu must get into active politics proper and contest for an elective position.
Afraid that he might end up losing his food-earning job at the University should all fail to work out correctly, Ayu started foot-dragging even as Unongo had offered that he shall through whatever means not only ensure Ayu’s successful party nomination but shall further also facilitate his subsequent election as a senator representing Zone B constituency. Even then, such offers were not without serious odds against Ayu. For one, Ayu was clearly unknown within his senatorial constituency since he had spent most of his life away from home and never bothered to pay visits and unconcerned about political developments and activities at home.

Secondly, as then, an ordinary lecturer, Ayu had virtually no funds to sponsor a senatorial election and again, above all, he was not still a card-carrying member of the party he was to contest election under its platform (SPD). As things turn to work out, Unongo had all the solutions to Ayu’s odds. On reaching home where party membership registration had already been closed, Unongo still by his means, secured the party’s membership card from one of the SDP supporters, and with the support of a man known as Mike Jerusalem an Unongo’s ardent devotee who resides presently in Gboko, had the name deleted with a correction fluid where Ayu’s name was neatly written on the said card that gave him instantly party membership legitimacy. The party screening process was also a formality as Unongo’s boys proved smart in the process. Eyebrows that were to be raised over the visible irregularities in the membership card were equally ignored and overlooked with Unongo’s presence.

When confronted, Unongo argued that his preference for Ayu was basically due to Ayu’s academic background. According to Unongo, the contemporary issues and challenging situation in the country at that point needed educated representatives at the senate to brainstorm and proffer solutions. Unongo argued that since Valentine Iortim was fairly educated, the crop of educated representatives at the senate could intimidate him and he would have lost his confidence and courage to give an effective representation where it would turn out to look as if, the zone was not represented. Considering Ayu’s background and zeal as a young man, according to Unongo, the party leadership agreed with some fundamental reasons during the meeting and they all finally agreed that Hon. Valentine’s name be replaced for the interest of both the party and the Zone B constituency. Of course, painful as it was, it was a party unanimous decision and so, Hon. Valentine could do less to revalidate his stolen mandate, it went. Hon. Valentine who later died a pauper when Ayu had attained peak at the senate never recovered from this shock he got in his political bid. There was also no evidence that Ayu did come home at any time to reach out to Hon. Valentine, to make peace with him or attend to some of his immediate domestic needs until the “Senator that never came to the Senate” later died in stricken poverty. Was the nemesis to come later?

How Ayu EVENTUALLY shot into Political limelight
At the senate, Ayu could be said to be one of the luckiest. During this period, the position of the Senate President was zoned to Middle Belt Zone and literally, Benue State. Senator (Prof) David Iornem the erstwhile National Publicity Secretary of the defunct Social Democratic Party who also won his senatorial seat to represent Benue North Central had laid all the foundations and properly positioned himself for the seat of the Senate President. As a thorough bred, effective, articulate and most of all, an inner-caucus member at the National level, Iornem had an insight of the zoning arrangement at the Senate as designed by his party. No wonder then, right from his campaign days when he was yet to be elected, Prof. Iornem began his campaign for the Senate President seat. His posters across the nation was only such that had the inscription on it “vote Iornem for senate president”. Of course, he had viewed his actual senate election as a mere formality and was therefore only bothered about his Senate President seat. Having traversed every nook and corner of the nation, making all the necessary contacts and biddings, where a novice, newly in the game, Ayu had nowhere or any person to reach out to, Prof. Iornem was Senate President bound.

Along the line however, the Presidential ambition and scheming perfections of the late Gen. Musa Yar’adua (Rtd) who remained the major financier and “iroko tree” as far as the party, SDP WAS concerned, rocked the boat for Iornem. Interest conflictions therefore marred Iornem’s chances at the very dying minutes. The power brokers would rather also go for a novice, “level headed” and unknown politician. The rift between Iornem and the Executive Governor of Benue State Rev. Fr. M. Orshio Adasu whom Iornem had also helped a lot in actualizing his governorship ambition did not also help matters for Iornem.

Adasu had marshaled the state funds in millions and moved to Abuja to not only openly campaign against Iornem of his clear chances. In the process, the toddling Ayu was brought within the fold, cross-examined and later “converted” and “adopted” where he became the senate president.
How did Ayu fare?

It is no longer news that Dr. Iyorchia Ayu, as the Second Republic Senate President, blazed the trail of impeachment. Soon after been sworn in as the Senate President, Iyorchia Ayu became an entirely different person he had been known for. Unprecedented unilateral decisions where taken on the floor of the senate. Ayu attempted to run the senate as a private empire.

During sessions, he would in most instances obtrude his opinion on others. It was also during this period that Ayu’s highfaluting disposition came to fore. His colleagues were utterly amazed and appalled at the sudden change in character of someone who used to be as cool as a snow! As Ayu became uncontrollable and ungovernable up to a point of erecting walls and blockages around him even to his very friends and colleagues in the senate, his days as the Senate President were soon to be numbered. Numbered they were!

How Ayu lost his Senate President seat
Ayu’s latent posturing and intolerance continued and so, in the face of public obloquy he was to be forced out. The appointed day of reckoning finally came. Tuesday, November 2, Dr. Ayu entered the senate chamber at exactly 4:28pm, took his cherished exalted seat, removed his usual traditional Tiv cap and proceeded to recite the senate official prayer, which seeks “Justice and Peace” in Nigeria. Unfortunately, that peace was never to reign on that day on the floor of the senate.

The day’s order paper already in circulation in the chamber indicated one ominous agenda, “leadership of the senate”. Sponsors were not one or few, but 57 distinguished senators of both parties and all regions, including several of the senate principal officers! Such officers namely; the deputy senate president Albert Legogie, minority leader Benneth Birabi, majority whip Ibrahim Kazaure and minority whip Uba Ahmed were spoiled for war! Obviously, the handwriting on the wall was unambiguous. Ayu knew at once, he was in trouble! He felt he could close down the day’s business but that was only a forlorn wish.

In a little while, senator Aminu Inuwa, himself an SDP member from Kano moved on the floor of the senate a “destination point” motion on behalf of 57 senators. The debate soon got out of hand and Ayu saw his wish and chance through and abruptly adjourned the sitting for the day. But Ayu was never the less not allowed to take his leave with the usual pomp and grace. A group of senators led by Isa Kachako of Kano, a retired army colonel, quickly grabbed the mace and blocked Ayu’s path, insisting that their motion must be debated. A despondent and frustrated Ayu returned to take his seat however refusing to reopen the “striking” business until the mandatory adjournment time of 5:45pm had elapsed.
Earlier in the day, a sponsored group of Pro-Ayu, demonstrators from Benue State had stormed the national assembly only to be contained by the police. But did Ayu need the demonstrators to continue on his most cherished post? Before this day of uneasy calm, Ayu’s erstwhile leader, Wantaregh Unongo had drawn Ayu’s attention to his seemingly unpardonable political atrocities and unbecoming conducts. Unongo, was irked and pained by Ayu’s abstinence and his all-knowing image suddenly built. He, (Unongo) tried in vain to save Ayu the previous night when consulted by the Yar’adua group, alleging that since Ayu has decided to cast an image larger than the party itself, and could no longer heed to no one’s advice, they were going to have him out of the way and humbled.

Having eventually got out of the senate that Monday safely, many expected all should be swept under the carpet.

Intensive lobby went on that Monday night with iyorchiua Ayu himself practically on his knees pleading to be given another opportunity to change in his conducts, pressurized, the senators gave Ayu their mere words to step down their action. However, the senators never imagined a changing Ayu. They regrouped the more and were fiercer this time around. Thus, the long knives were drawn, even then, throughout that Monday night and Tuesday morning, Dr. Ayu put his cellular phones recently acquired to a very good use and made hundreds of calls to individual senators and party leaders urging that the motion be withdrawn and a room allowed for negotiations. Senator Chukwuma of Enugu State, a close friend of Ayu then, also made frantic rounds to gather support for the embattled Senate President. Unknown to Ayu, the nucleus of the group G-57 that toppled him were the contact group of 11 powerful senators that went into discreet alliance since the annulment of June 12, election. This group, later seen by some observers as the “ABN senators” were led by deputy senate president Albert Legogie of Edo state, S.B Awoniyi of Kogi State, Chuba Okadigbo of Anambra and U.J Yohanna of Taraba. Others were O.J Adewumi of Ondo, senator Agunanne of Imo, Ladan Shuni of Sokoto, minority leader Benneth Birabi of Delta, senator Nwaka of Abia and senator Mahdi of Borno.

These group of 11, drawn from both parties, had direct contacts to the highest levels of the then military government and were known to have met regularly with former Vice President Admiral Augustus Aikhomu.

The G-11 group though sympathetic to the military was not however all about the perpetuation of the military rule. They instead, drew up several options and presented them to Aikhomu and General Babangida in July and August in the wake of the controversy that the annulment of June 12 election had generated. One of such options proposed that Babangida continues as commander-in-chief of the armed forces and ceremonial head of state but allow the national assembly to elect a prime minister and other ministers. Another of the G-11’s proposals contained most elements of the later constituted ING idea which General Babangida had accepted hence the resultant decree 61 of 1993 which was drafted by Prof. Ben Nwabueze, a constitutional lawyer who was the secretary for Education. Thus, the G-11 senators were no push over in the equation of changing the senate leadership that was at their beck and beckon. Poor Ayu never knew and thought he could wrestle.

Prior to the senate’s session on that fateful Monday, the anti-Ayu rebels fully expected a filibuster and they agreed that if the push ever came to a shove, some senators will physically remove Ayu from the President’s chair, lift someone of their own into it, seize the mace and proceed to impeach their president. This they nearly did on that fateful Monday of November 1, when Dr. Ayu tried to abruptly adjourn sitting and senator Kachako and others blocked his way. In the heat of the struggle, though the rebels forgot all about the mandatory adjournment time of 5:45pm, unless a motion was carried to suspend the relevant order. This oversight won for Ayu another 24 hours. Yet, there was no going back.

On Tuesday, having capitulated to pressure from Alh. Abubakar Rimi, who sat in the visitors’ gallery, senator Aminu Inuwa of Kano who had moved the G-57 motion the previous day declined to do so. Was it a strategy? Ayu was subsequently encouraged.
Notwithstanding, senator Mahmud Kanti Bello of Katsina then moved the motion and there was no more hope at sight for Ayu when almost immediately, senator Nwulu of Abia also rose to his feet and backed out. It then dawned on Ayu how he would not have taken seriously the “distinguished promise” of the distinguished senators the previous night, never to reopen the ugly motion.

The only lady senator, Mrs. Bucknor Akerele tried to filister by attempting to serve a court order on the floor of the senate, where however, the senators are constitutionally immune. And even as the commotion rages on the floor of the senate, Senator Magaji Mohammed pulled fast the rug from under the filibusterers’ feet by moving a motion to extend the sitting time. The senators settled down to a substantive debate of the motion at last.

Finally, at exactly 7:45pm, the Senate President called for a roll-call vote. In just another 10munites it was all over. The senate had spoken. Fifty-six senators voted for the motion, while an inconsequential 25 voted against it. And at this, it was the end of the road. Ayu descended into the relative anonymity of the senate floor.

Many turns to wonder how did the young Ayu, former sociology lecturer and journalist suddenly arrive at this sticky point? Senator Dangana Ndayako of Niger State pointed out that “in pursuing his support for Abiola, Ayu alienated his constituency, by breaching its unanimous resolution in support of the formation of the interim nation government as the only way to ease the military out of power” it also wasn’t just for the June 12 issue it seemed, “the senate presidency got into Ayu’s head and he was both arrogant and inaccessible”. Sen. Kachako had declared.

At this point also the National SDP executive led by Chief Tony Anenih had abandoned the struggle for June 12. Ayu then instantly started using his position and summoned several caucus meetings of “elected SDP public officers”. This action pitched Ayu sharply directly against both the party executive and retired Major General Shehu Musa Yar’adua, the great party power broker whose grand schemes by now had excluded a return to June 12. Ayu also was said to have outraged the G-11, that saw him arrogantly lending undue credence to the “June 12 or nothing” campaign. In no time, the interest groups rose and had their day. Are those days scenario not having a similar appearance in today’s on goings in PDP under the leadership of Iyorchia Ayu, 18 years after?

Incidentally too, it was noted that Ayu did stray so far basically due to his closeness to Chief Abiola where he was convinced and probably saw an Abiola presidency as the best guarantee for his own exalted post. And therefore, could it be sum up as Hon. Chiahemba Ayem noted, “Ayu had a fraudulent entry into the senate, a stormy day in the senate and a disgraceful exit from the senate? What is today’s comparison as it relates to his emergence as National chairman, stormy days in office and eventual inglorious exit as usual!

Meanwhile, the senate sojourn became a political launching pad for Ayu’s national political life. After his senate days, Ayu never returned home to consult with his people at any point but rather returned to his private residence, which he had by now renovated to his own taste in Bukuru, Plateau State. This same house would yet cost another prominent Tiv son in the federal parastatal of his job in few years that followed.


The Federal Government had step up moves to recover the sum of N33,290,330.00 termed “overpayment on former Senate President, Dr. Iyorchia Ayu’s house” bought by the Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON), while he was serving as Minister of Industry. The action against Iyorchia Ayu was followed by President Olusegun Obasanjo’s approval of the recommendation of a white paper on the report of the ministerial in-house investigation committee on allegations of mal-administration against the former Director-General of SON, Professor Shambe in line with the questionable transaction surrounding the sale of Dr. Ayu’s house.

The said house located at plot No.10, Ray Field, Bukuru which became centre in the fraud that attracted the attention and immediate intervention of the Presidency for which President Obasanjo had decried it publicly and termed as “Theft” was also one that brought Ayu’s reputation into serious jeopardy in those days and finally, exposed the true nature of the man who true to many, has constantly maintained a façade of indifference to his actual self.

The Ayu’s house deal was cryptically organized with all its crudity, which spanned through the days of Ayu in office as a Minister. In ensuring that this fraud was successfully carried out, it never seemed to matter to Ayu whose ox he gored, not also minding the status and personality of any that was a stumbling block to this determination of “having his own share of the cake” using his office as an effective facilitator.
This was exactly what actually happened. When Dr. Ayu assumed office as the Industry Minister, he saw the need never to go home at the end of his tenure the way he had come. Many opportunities were open to him. One of them was to compel this Ministry to buy for SON, a parastatal under him, his house in Jos, where the Minister had been running a Non-Governmental Organization. However, the exorbitant rate the honorable Minister was demanding over the house baffled Professor A. Abalaka whom Iyorchia Ayu had met in office as the Director-General of SON.

Professor Abalaka was unwilling to cooperate with Ayu to actualize the shoddy deal of inflating the rate over the sale of the Minister’s bungalow presented to be sold to SON. Tried as he could, Abalaka was unyielding. Prof. Abalaka’s uprightness was however unfortunately to cost him his job. Dr. Ayu ensured and facilitated the plot. The Kogi born Professor of Biochemistry woke up one day to receive the news that Prof. Tseaa Shambe was to take over from him as the newly appointed Director General of the Standard Organization of Nigeria.

Poor Shambe! He never could imagine this appointment was same that was to ridicule his successful career and stain his reputation. Ayu, had an ulterior motive as to why Professor Shambe became his choice of Director General, SON. Even when Professor Abalaka was relieved of his appointment for his uncompromising stance and “affront” to the minister, Dr. Ayu would not just let the Igala born Professor go in peace. All means were employed to discredit the person of Abalaka. Both the newly appointed management of SON and the House of Representatives committee on industries were given false information and data over the transaction in SON under the leadership of Prof. Abalaka. Some National dailies were also fed with some unreliable documents against Abalaka. Soon, Professor Abalaka got confused and stunned at the height of which his name was stained. Of particular note was a caption in This day newspaper volume 6, No.208, Wednesday, 24 November 2002, on page 7 titled “House uncovers N430 million fraud in SON.

The publication, supposedly arising out of a press conference by Honourabe Hamisu Shira, Chairman, House committee on Industries had alleged that, under Professor Abalaka’s Administration, financial impropriety totaling N430 million Naira was discovered as a result of an audit investigation carried out by “a team of auditors-Anthony Chikwendu and Co”. in the said catalogue of allegation of financial impropriety and fraud leveled against Professor Abalaka which many termed as “a campaign of calumny” and “an act of giving a dog a bad name in order to hang it” it was stated among others that;

i. Payments totaling N146million were made without record and without payment vouchers in 1999 alone.

ii. N25 million and N18.1 million capital grants were received in 1999 but that these were not recorded in SON’s financial books

iii. Payments of N45 million was made in respect of DG’s residence (a 5 bedroom) house with 2-bedroom detached guest house and 3-bedroom boys’ quarters in Maitama, Abuja, without payment vouche.

iv. N30 million of the organization’s money was placed in fixed deposit with Zenith International Bank Marina, but which was not paid into any known Bank account of SON.

When the sponsored campaign of calumny and character assassination against the deposed Director General continued unabated for the basic purpose of discrediting before the eyes of everybody the embattled erstwhile Director General, so that he might have credibility problems in case he might choose to “expose” someone who had approached him for a shoddy deal that he had turned down which was to later cost him his job persisted, Professor Abalaka now moved to save his name. his first step was to petition President Olusegun Obasanjo and also refute all the sponsored blackmail against his person.
In the said petition to the President, the Professor stated his defense among others as;

​By way of general comments, I wish to state that I was recruited for the leadership of SON in November 1990 and left the organization at the end of January 2000, that is – a period of over nine years, during this period, I had served five Head of State including the current President. I also had worked closely with nine Honorable Ministers of Industry, Military and Civilians alike. There was never one Minister who ever queried my performance or questioned my integrity and honesty. Indeed, I received a number of official commendations for my performance and accountability from the Presidency and Federal Ministry of Industry…… in the said 8 – page petition to President Obasanjo, Professor Abalaka made a very strong assertion on pages 5-6 as thus: “Professor Shambe, against all advice and moral expectation, purchased Dr. Iyorchia Ayu’s house in Jos for approximately N50 million sometime in April, a building not worth N10 million. The structure in reference is located opposite Jos Steel Rolling company Senior Staff Quarters, Rayfied, Bukuru axis. Everyone in SON knows this case because it was an issue of major contention between the then Minister and myself which led to our parting of ways since I considered it immoral for him to extort such money from a parastatal under his Ministry. STARBRIID, a company hurriedly put together by Dr. Ayu and Mr. Bem Angwe were used in siphoning the money out of SON”. Also, in exonerating himself from the allegations of fraud, the Professor on page 3, paragragh 2, of the said letter made another strong assertion as; there could never be a fraud of N430 MILLION in SON when the entire Capital Fund Allocation to SON from Government from 1992 (when it began operating its account independent of its parent Ministry – Federal Ministry of Industry) to 1999 amounted to approximately N388.25 million. If I left behind for my successor N270 million, the balance of approximately N140 million must be less than N430 MILION”.
In all, Professor Abalaka captured and exposed all in details. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo for sure would have been stunned and dumb founded after reading Abalaka’s petition. For one, the Professor did successfully prove beyond doubt that he was a victim of morality and uprightness and that there was a sponsored machinery of character assassination directed at him so as to have him totally lose the vestiges and modicum of integrity the public would have shared with him. If the general public including the Presidency would have undermined the travails Abalaka was painfully made to go through and also the genuineness of his petition and assertions, today, unfolding events shortly after, had and are still vindicating the embattled erstwhile Director General of SON.

In the same vein, Professor Shambe, in what may be likened to an overwhelming euphoria and impetuous excitement of occupying an exalted position, could not grasp quickly or comprehend the bait Ayu had set. He may have successfully (unknowingly) played to Ayu’s script in discrediting and nailing his predecessor. Even then, having served the actual purpose for which he was brought to head the SON, even though unconsciously, he actualized a dream that later smeared dastardly his noble credibility acquired over years. Same also that became responsible for his inglorious termination of his service!
Like his predecessor, Professor Shambe got unceremoniously relieved of his appointment and in an even more embarrassing manner. His termination of appointment so soon confirmed to a large extent Abalaka’s claims against the then Industry Minister. While Professor Abalaka today, remains clearly vindicated, it is still the concern of many who could not know the basic truth of why Professor Shambe also lost his DG’s job so soon. What actually happened?

As soon as Professor Abalaka who had refused to do the immoral act was thrown off and replaced with Professor Shambe, Dr. Ayu immediately presented his proposal of the need for SON to have a landed property in Jos and which amazingly was to his own personal house in Bukuru. SON was therefore, caused to write a letter requesting to be allowed to purchase a house in Bukuru, Plateau, which incidentally belonged to Dr. Ayu. In trying to have every transaction appear formal, the Minister introduced SON’s choice legal practitioner/consultant, Bem Angwe and Co. residing at No. 5 Rwang Pam Street Jos Nigeria to carry out a legal search and subsequently, recommend the purchase of the house.

On march 20th 2000, in a letter titled “RE-REPORT OF LEGAL SEARCH ON PROPERTY C OF O No. PL 1125 SITUATE AT 10 RAYFIELD-BUKURU ROAD, JOS IN THE NAME OF STARBIID LIMITED” with reference No. BA/SON/003/000, Bem Angwe and Co as expected, in the six point letter recommended strongly the purchase of the Ayu’s house. Following this recommendation, on the 27th march 2000, SON forwarded a letter of intent over the purchase of Dr. Ayu’s house. This letter also as expected amazingly got an express approval! It might interest someone to note that, irrespective of the crowded activities and tight schedules of the office of a Minister, the SON’s letter which was forwarded to the Minister’s office by 10.am was treated completely by 11.am of the same day!

Following the above Ministerial approval, which was endorsed by Dr. Ayu himself, real “business” began. It is curious to note that on the same 27th March 2000, at about 1pm, the Deputy – Director, Finance and supply was ordered to issue a draft of N42,853,900 in favor of Starbriid Limited (Dr. Ayu’s company) and also N4,285.390 in favor of Bem Angwe and Co. It was also on this fateful day that the payment voucher was drawn. Interestingly, just a day after, in a letter of Reference No. BA/SBL/SON/003/00 Bem Angwe and Co. acknowledged receipt and forwarded, on behalf of Standards Organization of Nigeria, a certified cheque No. 6102000007 of Zenith International Bank Limited in the sum of N42,853,900 as total payment (for Dr. Ayu’s House) which was received by STARBRIID LIMITED. On the same day also, Starbriid Limited, through Messrs Bem Angwe and Co, wrote to the Director General, SON, in acknowledgment of receipt of payment.

Observers were actually shocked at the level and manner which this transaction was rushed and hurried over. For example, whereas even other very important issues more than the issues of sales of a house had been laying unattended to on the ministers table for a couple of months, both the letter of intent written by SON and its approval by the Minister were done within five hours! More surprising was when on the same date also, the order of draft for payment was given even before the official file and payment voucher for the transaction were opened and prepared respectively. Thus, it took only four days for both application and request of the SON to purchase Dr. Ayu’s house., its Ministerial approval, inspection, report of recommendation, its approval payment draft, voucher and final payment (in full) to be successfully carried out! Executive transaction! One may say.

Many observers maintained that Dr. Ayu got wind of his imminent sacking in the impending Cabinet reshuffle and therefore, was not prepared to delay any opportunity at his disposal to partake in the “share of the national cake”. Before now, he had an estranged and sour relationship with President Obasanjo and some key policy makers of the government. Coupled with some serious queries and reprimands he had earlier received from the presidency; his exit was only a matter of time.

However, it was gathered that, this transaction contributed to the final blacklisting of Ayu by Obasanjo who had indicated that all corrupt Ministers and those with penchant for primitive acquisition of wealth were no longer to sail in the same boat with him. Ayu may have been one of such and considering the manner in which his house scandal was carried out with its obvious flaws and conspicuous questionable acts, many concluded that a desperate Ayu no longer saw the need to preserve his “credibility”.

The concern of many who had followed this scenario closely then has been why Ayu, having known fully of the impending consequences of his shoddy deal all the same, loped Professor Tseaa Shambe into it. Before this house deal, many Tiv people who had no inkling of how and why Professor Shambe by Ayu’s schemes, was brought to head SON ceremonially at that particular point had hailed Ayu’s effort of securing a viable job for his fellow kinsman. Many however, became appalled and pained that Professor Shambe eventually became a victim of Ayu’s lust and crudity. Thus, in satisfying his craze for acquisition, poor Shambe was made to do all the paper work and facilitate officially, the “sealing” of the house “deal” scandal.

While the presidency was still looking into the said complaint, Dr. Ayu woke up one day to also discover that he was sacked as the Industry Minister! Convinced of the irregularities that characterized the whole transaction hovering the Ayu’s house, President Obansanjo who himself referred to as ‘theft’ the deal also ordered for a full-fledged investigation into the matter and to be properly ‘briefed’ accordingly.

When startling revelations were made by the interim investigation, President Obasanjo, was shocked and disappointed that Dr. Ayu could use his office and that of his kinsman completely loyal to him to perpetuate illegality. He was therefore determined that further investigation be carried out.

On the 15th may 2001, in what appeared to be the beginning of the actual probing into the house deal, Professor Shambe was handed a letter of indefinite leave by the newly appointed Minister Chief Kola Jamodu. Following the letter of compulsory leave which was to forestall possible interference with some vital documents while the investigation was in progress, Professor Shambe left office and was surprisingly kept in suspense for a period of three months!

Having not heard a word from either the Presidency or the Federal Ministry of Industry, on the 20th August 2001, Professor Shambe took his complaint to President Obansanjo. Shambe urged Obasanjo to show justice into his matter. As from the letter, it was a pity that up to that moment, poor Shambe could not, it seems have the true position of the trouble his erstwhile so-called boss had landed him into
Exactly two weeks after president Obasanjo received Prof. Shambe’s letter of complaint, which was also at the point the investigation into his matter was concluded and recommendation made against him, the Honorable Industry Minister Chief Kola Jamodu, was instructed to issue a compulsory retirement letter to Professor Shambe!

After Ayu was relieved from Federal Cabinet, he got angry and left PDP which he had always boasted he birthed when a lot of renowned politicians today were still children. His efforts to reclaim power failed. He went into oblivion greatly forgotten and relegated.

Politics is generally inspired and pursued along interest lines especially by the political actors.

During the build up to the 2023 presidential elections, many had an eye upon this exalted position. Governor Nyesom Wike was more of playing an under-duck role with strategic scheming even as he was eyeing the presidency.

One of such was to install a National chairman. He needed one with his Confidence and Trust. Ortom saw this as a great opportunity to revive and revalidate his Kinsman’s dwindling political life. He brought up Ayu’s name. for the umpteenth time a wary Wike asked if Ortom was sure his kinsman was never going to betray their political schemes along the line. Many had moved against Ayu’s choice by Ortom, even notable party leaders from Benue had cautioned Ortom. He insisted Ayu was his preference. Earlier, it was the National Party’s resolution that in any state that the governor was of PDP, such a state can never be allowed to produce the National Chairman.

How the duo of Ortom and Wike were able to still play this down in favor of Ayu was a huge surprise to many. This also became possible owing to the blossoming relationship between Ortom and Wike. It is equally no news that Ayu’s hands were extensively oiled in the course of this engagement both financially and materially. Many have cited exotic cars and bullet-proof SUVs Ayu was blessed with. The time was appropriately bided for, both Ortom and Wike’s interest were assured by Ayu until a video clip went viral where Ayu was seen congratulating one of the Presidential aspirants who had stepped down not for Wike but Atiku, with Ayu describing him as the “hero of the convention”. His act of betrayal and insincerity was exposed! All along, he was playing games with Atiku! This shaming crude incidence by a supposedly elder-kinsman Ortom had consistently vouched for, and stood blindly firmly behind in the course of the “ GENTLEMAN INTEREST AGREEMENT” clearly had put Ortom into a very tight corner and almost got his relationship with Wike estranged.

The duo of Ortom and Wike were justifiably irked and disappointed. If Ayu wasn’t going to go along in the interest tide of Wike for which, and on what grounds and consideration Wike and Ortom went all out and against all odds to crown him the National Chairman, he simply couldn’t have collected all the ornaments he did under the pretext of lending his hand. He consciously rocked the boat after all!

Wike’s ardent contemporaries were furious at Ayu’s betrayer stroke. Their public disillusioned posturing under the aegis of G5 caught the attention of many. Those who were genuinely concerned felt they should be placated.

Ayu who was in the center of it all was surprisingly became same that would truncate all efforts and initiatives of reconciliation. Rather than champion or embrace all moves of reconciliation, Ayu deliberately boastfully worked against all the moves conceived to the extent he resorted to public mockery, jest and casting unwarranted aspersions at the G5 governors! He undermined them grossly!

In Benue particularly, he deliberately cultivated a petrified divide and rule dichotomy where he hurriedly embraced David Mark from the Idoma nation and held sway in Tiv nation. The selfish estimation was that if Atiku won, while David Mark shall be calling the shot from the whatever that sh all be determined for or from the Idoma divide, he, Ayu shall emerge the incontestable defacto leader and generalissimo of Tiv nation where him and only him alone Atiku shall rely upon in making all appointments and distribution of the political largesse. Ayu had gone to say so many horrible and disheartening tales against his erstwhile benefactor Ortom just to ensure no room was prevailed for any form of reconciliation until the elections were over where he would assume total leadership in Benue and every other person relegated. Of course, this was a huge bunch of wickedness, evil and treachery God himself couldn’t allow it manifest. As a mere opportunist who is not concretely versed with the dynamics of partisan politics and its intricacies, Ayu dared the G5 governors and PDP as a party failed grossly. Huge votes that would have been mustered from the 5 states and given PDP a clear victory were lewdly freaked away due to the non-repentant selfishness, unjustifiable arrogance and perfidiousness of an individual.
Now PDP lost it hugely both at states and National levels. It was expected Ayu who personally led the party to doom would immediately bury his head in shame, go around immediately to plead and embark on genuine reconciliatory tour and chart a new course if he was going to be forgiven. This was not be! Of course, he wasn’t bothered at what destructions his inept leadership had afflicted the party. This explains why even as at the point the widening disagreement was ravaging the party, all Ayu was concerned with was to enrich his children with mouth watering contracts at the National Secretariat of the party and embark upon construction of skyscrapers all over Makurdi and Gboko to the astonishment of many! He got emboldened at the stupendous riches exposed to at old age and never gave a damn to any meaningful advice or counsel aimed at saving his party.

Ayu’s most condemnable and highly insensitive decision at the time PDP was bleeding was to have pronounced a provocative unwarranted suspension on major stakeholders of the party across the Nation. How could he have reasoned so low? In apparent disapproval of his demented affrontery and unjustly roughshod, his very own kindred moved quickly to contain his cruel tortures and premeditated vindictive disposition by equally pronouncing a historic suspension on him. Just like it is usual of him and as seen when he moved desperately to save himself from imminent impeachment as a Senate President, Ayu quickly arranged a “pseudo” ward exco members to the PDP National Secretariat to save him! While the imported imposters were acting the script, Ayu was served with a court order restraining him from parading himself thence, as national chairman.
As a show of desperation and how much the man had loved the office from which he suddenly became a Billionaire overnight, even when a court of competent jurisdiction had made valid legal pronouncement the previous day restraining him, Ayu still made his way to the office and was carrying out his duties normally. The official court order well documented came and he was still on seat ditching out orders. He was eventually to be politely asked to vacate his seat otherwise he was risking a jail for contempt of court.

What stunned so many at the National Secretariat was the extent to which the entire Secretariat of the party from the least staff at the gate all jumped into jubilation and it became a celebration galore as they watched Ayu drive out of the gate! Why? Why the so much of non-popularity that none could raise up his hand in solidarity or protest for?
People who know little of how it all started are erroneously blaming it on some Tiv political actors but they are fast to forget where same Tiv political actors led by Ortom championed the course of instilling Ayu against all known odds. And how all Ayu paid them back was to fight not only for relevance and supplant them but equally brought the party to jeopardy and further went ahead first, to slam an inglorious suspension on with impunity when he would have been more concerned at healing the wounds himself had just inflicted. Of course, this is where Ortom got it wrong! To have, of all people, brought up someone who is so full of himself and looks down at everyone and fast to refer to anyone contending against his views as an “illiterate”. A man so snobbish and selfish, an unrepentant sadist who reduces himself to a clannish lord and sees himself better as leader of “jemgbagh” anytime he assumes office?
But why would on an empirical note, Ayu has to always exit all offices he has been assisted to occupy very unceremoniously? And yet, again, always get to fight all his benefactors?
Years after Unongo brought Ayu into politics and he became all that he enjoyed through his sojourn into politics, his greatest enemy at a point was Unongo. As a Minister of Education then, Unongo had a need and sent me to see Ayu, Prof. Iorwuese Hagher and Prof. Saint Gbilekaa whom I met at his office gave me all the needed assistance to get me to meet with Ayu. He turned down Unongo’s request with mockery. He couldn’t equally look at me as the young man he would always meet in Unongo’s house at Jos in the early 90s’ and whom would always reach out to Unongo’s Eleganza Briefcase and at Unongo’s instruction would always land him ‘welfare’ fee. It didn’t matter to him! I left his Lagos office back home and related to my foster father my bitter encounter with the man he was years back, before my very eyes grooming into politics. Unongo leaked his wounds at Ayu’s scathe.

Prof. Shambe paid grossly and was dismissed from service for giving his consent over the purchase of Ayu’s house in Jos. He was even asked to refund the money that was overpaid on Ayu’s house deal even when Ayu had enjoyed his money.

Akume as governor of Benue State saw Ayu as not only his political leader but as a blood elder brother from the jemgbagh fraternity. Akume literally surrendered governance to Ayu. Key government policy decisions were taken including serious appointments only with Ayu’s consent and approvals. Himself and his entire family lived on government funds as long as Akume was the governor. At the end of it all, Akume became the biggest enemy Ayu would fight both at home and at Abuja.
Late Moses Orshio Adasu then governor, Benue State played a very historic and indispensable roles at Ayu’s emergence as senate President at the detriment of Prof. David Iornem. Benue people should ask questions what became of his relationship with Adasu.

At a point in his life, Ayu went so down so much that people like Dr. Laha Dzever filled the gap doing everything possible to sustain him. People should ask what became of him and Dr. Dzever when he assumed power eventually.

Why the man Ayu doesn’t have a reciprocal obligation discipline and always acts as a self-made person remains so strange to many.

Shortly after his emergence as the National Chairman PDP, we, all Benue citizens that travelled to Abuja converged at the Benue Governor’s Lodge Asokoro. In his appreciation remarks, Ayu went down memory lane, appreciating those who God touched and laid a political foundation for him to have risen to where he is today. Ayu never made mention of Unongo’s name! I was dump founded! As I sat gaping and recounting memories of Unongo and Ayu I unconsciously shook my head in utter disappointment and concluded Ayu was not the person so many thought he was!
Counting from playing a supervisory role as minister of commerce and industry where the only economic mainstay of Benue, BCC was sold out, Ayu’s ascendance into power at any point has never been in the interest of Benue citizens or the state in general. His last appearance recently is even so lamentable and has hit his all time worse. While his party was bleeding, he was immersed in primitive acquisition! It was all about himself and his children. PDP under him has suffered the worse defeat in Benue where he wasn’t himself able to deliver his ward to PDP. When he failed to muzzle himself back last week, he proclaimed he was “stepping side” as what? The phenomenal Ibrahim Babangida had stepped aside over 20 years ago and has never staged a comeback!

Now, for brazenly rubbishing the image of PDP, for betraying on a very high note, the trust and confidence your kinsman blindly vested in you, causing him so much pains, trauma and everlasting agony, steering PDP to hit the reef, leaving the party so fragmented and in deep controversies than you met it is for sure where Ortom got it wrong! Let those who still have enough cries in their eyes continue to weep for the Benue’s latest political Billionaire, AYu!


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