
White House Confirms Attack on US Embassy Convoy, Says No Citizen Involved

The White House has confirmed the fatal attack on the United States Embassy convoy in Anambra State, adding that none of its citizens were involved.

When asked about the attack in a press briefing, National Security Council spokesperson, John Kirby, said, “I just got informed about a whole lot before coming out here to talk to you all. It does look like a US convoy vehicle was attacked.

“What I can tell you is that no US citizens were involved and therefore there were no US citizens hurt.

“But we are aware of some casualties, perhaps even some killed, but I don’t want to get too far ahead of where we are right now.”

He added that the state department was looking into the issue.

Four staff members of the United States Embassy in Nigeria were shot dead in the Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State following an attack on their vehicle on Tuesday.

“The hoodlums murdered two of the Police Mobile Force operatives, and two staff members of the Consulate, and set their bodies ablaze alongside their vehicles,” the Anambra State Police Command said.

Credit: Twitter | simonateba

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