
Elon Musk Challenges Mark Zuckerberg To A ‘Cage Fight’

Two of the most well-known technology billionaires and social media titans, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, have agreed to face each other in a cage fight.

Musk, who took control of Twitter in October, had on Wednesday tweeted, “I’m up for a cage match if he is. lol”

Zuckerberg, who manages Facebook and Instagram, responded to the challenge by taking a screenshot of Musk’s tweet and responding on his Instagram stories, “Send me location”.

Musk responding in a series of tweets on his Twitter page, said “Vegas Octagon.

“I have this great move that I call ‘The Walrus’, where I just lie on top of my opponent & do nothing.”

He also added, “I almost never work out, except for picking up my kids & throwing them in the air.”

It is, however, not certain if Zuckerberg and Musk were serious about the cage fight or were only joking.

Credit: Twitter | elonmusk, Instagram | zuck

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