
Rev. Fr. Alia: A Prophet with Honour even in His Hometown

By Terkula Igidi

Very often, in the political space and in social circles, allusions are made to Jesus Christ’s statement that, “A prophet is not without honour except in his own town and in his own home,” (Matt. 13: 57).

This biblical statement is bandied about whenever a political juggernaut or a business mogul is disrespected or perceived to have been dishonoured by his or her own people.

But the mammoth crowd that swarmed the Township Stadium, Vandeikya, under sweltering conditions to welcome the incumbent Governor of Benue State, Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia, has defied that popular saying.

On Friday, July 7, Kunav sons and daughters, under the auspices of Kunav United Development Association (KUDA), welcomed their very own, Gov Alia, to his humble hometown, Vandeikya. People came from far and near and gave the Reverend gentleman a rapturous welcome.

The occasion became more auspicious when it coincided with the celebration of the 33rd Priestly ordination of the Governor.

From the solemn, spirit-filled Mass at Christ the King Parish to the down-to -earth, soul searching, but humourous sermon by Rev. Fr. Linus Hyuabo, and the motorcade of funfair escorting Alia to the stadium, the atmosphere was electric.

Spruced up with ecstatic voices, cackling laughter and a cacophony of musical interludes, it all bore testimony that Kunav people have bestowed honour on their son.

With the business of governance beginning to get tougher for Gov. Alia, no thanks to the booby traps set for him by his predecessor, he sure needs the effusive love and unwavering support of his people.

And by the grand reception for the governor by KUDA, under the sterling leadership of Engr. Michael Vaatia and through the organising prowess of Arc. Bernard Yisa, it is a reaffirmation by the Kunav people that “this is our beloved son with whom we are well pleased.”

Instructively, the Kunav people did not shy away from demanding good governance from their son. From Rev. Frs Huabo, Chief Emmanuel Doki, and to Yisa, who represented Vaatia, they all urged His Excellency to put the masses first and to be courageous in making difficult decisions that will bring succour to the impoverished people.

Most importantly, they admonished the governor to be impartial in his dealings with all people of the state, irrespective of clan, section or ethnicity.

Ter U Kunav, His Royal Highness Nyiyongo Achiaku, and Tor Jechira, His Royal Highness Clement Uganden, asked their kith and kin to be patient with the Gov and support him unconditionally.

They also advised Kunav youths to refrain from cyber attacks on their brother, the Gov.

As dusk filtered the dying rays of the July sun, the baritone voice of Chief Jack Gyado rose above the caterwauling voices from the crowd. At the podium raised in the centre of the stadium, he said categorically that there’s no rift between SGF, Sen. George Akume and the governor.

And the governor in a reciprocity gesture to the show of love to him which culminated in the royal fathers dressing him in traditional attire, ordered thugs tolling the roads and those tilling the markets criminally, to desist forth with or face consequences.

He emphasised that the masses are already crushed by poverty and they need no further exploitation.

The governor urged th surging crowd to support him as he embarks on the task of providing good governance guided by the rule of law and probity.

As darkness spread over the undulating and lush green Vandeikya landscape, the mammoth crowd scampered to their abodes, with smiling faces and glimmering eyes full of hope for a better Benue under their son’s watch.




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