Nigeria 2023

Tajudeen Abbas, The Best Option for the 10th National Assembly – Rep Agbese

Chief Philip Agbese is a lawyer, a public affairs commentator and a member of the National Assembly Representing Ado/Okpokwu and Ogbadibo Federal Constituency in Benue state. In this interview, he expressed optimism over the success of the 10th National Assembly leadership.

The 10th National Assembly is gradually settling down but the question on the lips of most Nigerians is what manner of parliament do we expect under the leadership of Speaker Tajudeen Abbas?

Rt Hon Tajudeen Abbas was overwhelmingly voted as the Speaker of the House on June 13 when the 10th Assembly was inaugurated. He pulled a total of 353 votes to defeat former Deputy Speaker, Idris Wase and former chairman of the House Committee on National Intelligence, Sani Jaji, who scored three votes each. Apart from the trio, others who have aspired to lead the 10th Assembly include Alhasan Ado-Dongowa, Muktar Betara, Yusuf Gadgi, Mariam Onouha and a host of others but at the end Rt. Hon Tajudeen Abbas emerged as the speaker. What this means is that the 10th House is united. Nigerians should expect a well-coordinated, people-friendly and united House focused on their interests. 

The Endorsement of Hon. Tajudeen Abbas by the ruling APC generated a furore in the House, with many arguing that it was an attempt by your party to weaken the Green Chamber in the current dispensation. What can you say about such an observation?

Let me make this clear to you, the leadership of Speaker Tajudeen Abbas is the best thing that has happened to the 10th National Assembly. In as much as we under his watch are prepared to work in harmony with the executive arm, Speaker Tajudeen Abbas will not relent in upholding the principles of checks and balances. The collaboration of the 10th Assembly will be anchored on transparency, accountability, and respect for the rule of law. We shall work closely and inter-dependently with the Executive and Judiciary to give Nigerians the good governance they deserve. We stand at a crossroads in our nation’s history, where challenges abound, but so do opportunities. We will champion legislations that will uplift the lives of our fellow citizens, promote social Justice, and drive sustainable development.

Don’t you think the Speaker owes a debt of gratitude to his colleagues for their massive support during the contest, especially those who were at the forefront?

Well, I don’t understand the measure of gratitude you are trying to paint up here, but I believe that the 10th National Assembly found true leadership in Rt Hon Tajudeen Abbas and that informed the massive support he attracted during the contest. His emergence was a product of a unanimous decision by members and so, he does not owe anyone in particular, but service to humanity and Nigerians.

Recall that critics had dubbed the 9th Assembly a rubber stamp House because of its subservient posture to the executive arm of government. Don’t you think the 10th Assembly would likely fall in the same shade considering its leadership conflagration?

The 10th National Assembly will never be a rubber stamp. Speaker Tajudeen Abbas will never be a rubber stamp. Before his election, he interacted with many people. For the APC, our party is to endorse him because he enjoys the support of members. The leadership of the APC was just very smart to have endorsed him. Speaker Tajudeen Abbas is a man of his word and he has promised not to disappoint Nigerians. He is not going to disappoint the 10th assembly. He will never be a rubber stamp rather he will do what will benefit Nigerians. I am sure, he will not be a rubber stamp, he is going to be a man of his own. He is a man of integrity. He will stand with the masses.

What should be the expectations of Nigerians as the 10th Assembly settles down?

Expectations are high, not only from Nigerians but defenders of democratic principles and ethics across the globe. This is more so because the legislative arm of government has a crucial role to play in fostering the development of a people-oriented government. The 10th National Assembly is set to move the nation forward by making laws for the overall national interest. From inception, it was very clear that the 10th assembly was the hub of representation of the Nigerian people, and so every effort will be channelled towards making the country a better place to live and prosper. The good news is that Speaker Tajudeen Abbas possesses a great wealth of experience anchored on a commendable track record of achievements. He has appreciable public relations talent which he has deployed at national and international levels. He is an astute team player who has hit the ground running in many areas of Nigeria’s socioeconomic growth. The 10th Assembly will be a win-win for the President Tinubu administration with Nigerians and Nigeria as the main beneficiary.

In your opinion, what do you think the 10th National Assembly should do differently in order not to earn the toga of a rubber stamp assembly like the 9th Assembly?

No, no no! I think the 9th National Assembly did very well. The good governance-driven performance of the immediate-past National Assembly stemmed from the harmonious working relationship with the executive arm of government. I am sure that some Nigerians have only wrongly labelled the last Assembly as a rubber stamp. It is a misconception and misunderstanding. The Rt. Hon Femi Gbajabiamila-led the ninth House of Representatives was exceptional in engaging with the executive. The harmony and collaboration with the executive were intended to provide a safe atmosphere for national development. And so, it is my candid opinion that the 10th Assembly which I am privileged to be part of will build on the legacies of the last Assembly. We shall consolidate the achievements of the ninth National Assembly in making democratic governance more beneficial to Nigeria and Nigerians. We will try our best to meet the legitimate expectations of the people, and relevant institutions of government must be made to function well. Look, I have always insisted that compared to previous assemblies, the achievements of the ninth National Assembly in the area of law-making are attributable to harmonious executive-legislative relations, which contrary to many expectations need not be aggressive.

Do you have a word for your colleagues as you settle for legislative businesses in the 10th assembly?

Oh yes. I would like every one of us to be mindful of the damaging effect of persistent conflict with the executive and the resultant impact on legislative activities. A good working relationship with the executive is desirable and, indeed, imperative to achieve effective and efficient service delivery to the people. Thank you.




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