
Stop Ritual Killings Targeted At Albinos In Southern Nigeria Now

By Nnene Bassey

The spate of ritual killings targeted People with Albinism (PWA), particularly in the Southern region of Nigeria, are not only heinous acts but also a violation of their fundamental rights to life and freedom as enshrined in Sections 33 and 39 of the Nigerian Constitution. 

When someone has albinism, their body has trouble creating pigment. Pigment is the material in the body that produces color. People with albinism have a reduced amount or absence of pigment in their eyes, hair and skin. It is caused by a genetic mutation that is usually passed from parents to child. The mutation disrupts the production of melanin, the pigment that protects the skin from UV rays. Melanin is also important for the proper development of the eye. Albinism can cause a wide range of eye problems.

Sadly, the prevailing cases of killings of PWA in Southern Nigeria, have been linked to a number of misconceived notions, baseless, misleading and unfounded myths about such group of people in our society. For instance, in June this year, a case of attempted murder was committed against a young man with albinism in Anambra State.

Hear what this young survivor, Philip Nwokedi (29) said while narrating his horrific experience: “On June 24, 2023, a few minutes past 10 pm, a man named Solomon Duruna, a brother from my mother’s place, came to my home unannounced to where I live in Onitsha army barracks, Anambra State, which normally closes at 10 pm. When Philip asked him why he came over unannounced, Solomon claimed he had a meeting with somebody which didn’t end on time, so he wanted to spend the night at my place and promised he would leave the next day on June 25th, 2023, at 6 am. Solomon had previously stayed at my place two months ago.

“In the early mornings of June 25th, 2023, Philip, who is a graphic designer, was working late and was shutting down at 2 am. When he was ready to go to bed, Solomon turned the lights off when I asked him, he complained of being disturbed by the rats from the bulb but because I was used to sleeping with light so I have to turn on my phone touch lights, so he Solomon can’t be distributed. We went back to sleep, then I woke up again and saw my kitchen light was on, which I asked Mr Solomon and he said he mistakenly turned the kitchen light on while trying to turn the room light off. We went to sleep again, only for me to wake up again a few minutes later, Solomon asked me what was the time which I replied it’s few minutes to 4:am, and he said that he would be going back to Owerri by 6:30 am.

“Philip fell asleep again, but barely 5 minutes after he fell asleep, he felt a sharp pain on his neck and when he woke up, he saw Solomon on him with a knife, he asked him why, but Solomon attempted to stab him (Phillip) the second time. When he tried the third time, the knife bent and that’s when he (Solomon) used both hands to strangle me. In self-defense, Philip held Solomon’s manhood to free himself from strangulation because he was already bleeding profusely from the neck area. After Solomon let go, Philip screamed for help for about 5 minutes, during which Solomon tried to stab him again, but the neighbors broke the door down and entered the room to rescue him (Phillip).

“Solomon was apprehended and taken to the station. When Philip confronted him, he (Solomon) said he was only “dreaming”. Philip called his mother who also told him that Solomon tried to kill her a few weeks ago, but when his sister tried to intervene, he hit her with a stool while he tried to stab his mother. He got away after that. Solomon’s friend testified also which Philip has a voice recording of him saying that if he didn’t find money, he would attempt the ritual. Some of Solomon’s friends in Owerri said they saw him leave the State around after 5pm on June 24th, 2023, to Anambra.

“After the attack, Solomon was held at the army barracks and then taken into custody at Akuwuzo SARS station in Anambra State on August 5th, 2023. Solomon’s family had been calling to plead for his release, stating that the police were yet to prosecute him in court. The police kept asking Philip what he wanted to do about it. Philip finally spoke to the IPO on August 24th, 2023, who asked him again what he wanted to do about it. Picture evidence was requested, that Philip submitted. He (Phillip) called for justice to be served since it was an attempted murder. Meanwhile, Philip was asked to seek for first aid treatments at the hospital. Today, most of his injuries have healed and some have completely healed”.

Similarly, another 21-year-old man with albinism from Imo State, Nigeria was reported killed by a suspected ritualist. The reason for these gruesome incidences, which threw the albinism community into grief and mourning, were connected to such wrong-headed notions.

As a member of this community, I am lending my voice to the voices of others in debunking all forms of myths about albinism such as the assumption that a sex act with a PWA cures patients suffering from Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Another one is that when the body parts of a PWA is used for ritual, the person who performed such ritual, will be very powerful, influential and wealthy in the society. In fact, nothing can so far from the truth. “Believe you me, we’re like everyone else created by GOD without mystical powers”.

I am therefore pleading that these gang of ritualists on the prowl should show allow us to breath. We have lost more than 6 PWA this year to skin cancer which many can’t afford sunscreen and even when 15 percent in the scale of 100 percent have the money, we scarcely get it in the market. The combined problem of affordability, accessibility and availability of sunscreen has put many PWA in their prime (20s/30s) on a near-death situation and eventually led them to their early graves, leaving lasting vacuums in the hearts of families, friends and loved ones forever.  What a pathetic and traumatic experience!

Regrettably, these acts of violence and discrimination are in direct contradiction to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 16, which promotes peace, justice, and strong institutions. Moreover, they defy the principles enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which emphasizes in Article 10 that, States Parties reaffirm that every human being has the inherent right to life and shall take all necessary measures to ensure its effective enjoyment by persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.

To address this pressing issue, every PWA must speak up and be aware of his/her environment and that we are not commodities/objects in the labour markets.  Let’s collaborate to promote peace, justice, inclusivity, and security across this nation through multi-faceted approach.

Let us also collectively step up advocacy and speak up. Silence doesn’t connote your invisibility because tomorrow you might be the victim. Let is be more proactive and international in this regard. The onus lies on us to volunteer to make the community we find ourselves a safe place.

We have to raise awareness and educate the public about albinism, dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding the condition. This can be achieved through targeted campaigns, community dialogues, and educational programmes in schools. By fostering understanding and empathy, we can combat the deep-rooted prejudices that contribute to these ritual killings. 

In addition, there should be increased partnership and collaboration between government agencies, civil society organizations, and international partners, which is very crucial in addressing this issue comprehensively. Joint efforts can equally be made to provide support services to survivors and their families, including access to medical care, counseling, and rehabilitation.

In conclusion, efforts aimed at curbing this dastardly and anti-human atrocity should be vigorously intensified in order to send a very strong message that such acts will not be tolerated any more in Southern Nigeria and other parts of the country. By aligning interventions with the Nigerian Constitution as amended, SDGs and UNCRPD, and implementing a comprehensive approach that includes legal measures, awareness campaigns, justice system strengthening, collaboration, I am convinced that the narrative will definitely change.

Those of us in the PWA community can work towards eradicating these heinous acts and ensuring a more peaceful and just society for all. We are open for collaboration, networking and willing to engage in volunteerism for better results.

 Nnene Bassey is the Chairperson of Advocacy For Persons with Albinism Network.




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