
Why Atiku’s Ultimate Search For Tinubu’s Certificate Is Just an Entertainment Exercise

By Osigwe Omo-Ikirodah

In the realm of Nigerian politics, where stakes run high and ambitions soar even higher, politics itself often dons the mask of entertainment. It’s a theatrical stage where the drama unfolds, and the players often take center stage with their grand performances.

The recent Certificate Ultimate Search initiated by His Excellency, Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, is a prime example of this political theater, one that has left many wondering whether it’s all just an elaborate entertainment exercise.

Nigerians are known for their seriousness and emotional investment in politics. However, we must also remember that life has its share of elements that shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

In essence, my argument is that entertainment can be discovered in various aspects of life, including our faith, families, and, undoubtedly, politics.It is within this backdrop that we must view Atiku’s Certificate Ultimate Search.

As the dust settles at the end of this saga, Nigerians may come to realize that it was all for entertainment purposes, and not an educational endeavor, as similar cases often end up in court. Atiku, who failed to provide substantial evidence supporting his claims of election manipulation by Tinubu, seems to be on a quest to entertain Nigerians, for reasons best known to him. While he may not be known for clowning around, his recent actions suggest a desire to engage in political theatrics.

The recent statement from Chicago State University (CSU) underscores the complexities involved in this controversy. In August 2023, the university received a request from a U.S. federal court to divulge information regarding the educational records of Bola Tinubu, the President of Nigeria and a former student of the institution.

While the university confirmed Tinubu’s attendance and graduation in 1979 with a bachelor’s degree, it cited the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) as the basis for its limited disclosure.

FERPA places strict limitations on the release of student records, and the university’s stance aligns with these legal obligations. The institution maintains confidence in the accuracy of its records but is not directly involved in the Nigerian legal proceedings that triggered the request. The decision to provide further information rests with a U.S. federal judge, ensuring adherence to the university’s policies and legal obligations regarding student information privacy.

Atiku and his newfound allies in the Obidient movement seem to believe that this case will somehow overturn Nigerian presidential elections. However, Atiku’s lifelong dream of becoming Nigeria’s president has led him down a rather comical path.

In his quest to ridicule the president and insinuate that Tinubu has much to hide, Atiku appears to be grasping at straws, much like the allure of “get-rich-quick” schemes that promise unrealistic financial success without the sweat and toil.

The adage “he who is upright has nothing to hide” reminds us that individuals who consistently uphold honesty, integrity, and transparency in their actions need not conceal their deeds. Those who adhere to strong moral principles and ethical values have no fear of exposure or scrutiny.

Tinubu has never hidden his educational profile, which he has consistently presented in the public domain. While we await the outcome of Atiku’s search, we consider it our duty to keep you informed about this ongoing spectacle that is nothing short of political entertainment.

Osigwe Omo-Ikirodah is the Chairman and CEO of Bush Radio Academy.

Source: iReporteronline.


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