
We must Give Nigerians a productive Aviation Sector – Reps vows 

The House of Representatives Committee on Aviation, Tuesday disclosed that it’s will deeply engage and synergize with stakeholders to give Nigerians the democratic dividend of a highly innovative and productive Aviation industry in the Country.

The Chairman of the Committee, Hon. Eroyitomi Thomas made the promise at the inaugural meeting of the Committee, in Abuja.

According to him,  a work plan has been drawn out to guide the committee in the journey ahead.

“This Committee is charged therefore with overseeing the following:

a) Oversight over Air Safety Services at Airports (NSIB)

b)Oversight over Schools of Aviation

c) Oversight over Aviation Institutions

d) Oversight over Metrological Services (NIMET)

e) Annual Budget estimates

f) Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT)” Hon Thomas said.

He pledge to run an all-inclusive open administration, where every member is equal and shall be treated as such.

” As we all know,this Committee is a newly created Committee, carved out of the existing Committee on Aviation. It is a hi-tech driven Committee with so much expectations from us. We dare not fail the House, Nigerians and our stakeholders”. He said.

 He noted that the committee will leave no stone unturned in the discharge of its responsibilities or any other matter referred to it by bringing various competences of its members  to bear on every issue.

“You will agree with me that the quality of members of this Committee shows the seriousness the House leadership attaches to this Committee and the expectation is high”. He said.

He urged every member to join hands to make the Committee not only productive but a toast among the House Committees of the 10th Assembly.


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