
We’ll Make Nigeria viable destination for investors – Tinubu

…Warns Cabinet members against preventing progress

President Bola Tinubu, Wednesday, has vowed to make Nigeria, a viable investment destination for investors assuring that the country has full of potentials that can be harnessed in order to move it forward.

The President said they are going through the reform, painfully, and we still have other challenges. Don’t be a clog in the wheel of Nigeria’s progress.

The country’s President, Bola Tinubu made this declaration in Abuja on Wednesday, at the opening of a three-day retreat for Ministers, Presidential aides, Permanent Secretaries and other members of the cabinet.

Tinubu, who said his administration will transform the economy to work for millions of the citizens, also promised to remove 50 million people from poverty.

“We must take 50 million people out of poverty. We must build healthcare that works for all. Look around. Don’t be wicked. Look at the standard of education, look at the classrooms, and look at the roads. We can only spend the money, we will find it, we cannot spend the people,” the president said..

He said the current administration under his leadership, would utilize the population and natural endowments of the country.

He therefore tasked Ministers and other participants at the retreat to be focused and determined to succeed in carrying out their responsibilities.  

“Let us look forward. Let us be determined that corruption will go, progress will be achieved, better wages for our workers, and living wages, he said.

“Deliver? Yes we must achieve it for the sake of millions of people. Yes, we are talking about the population of this country. What do you do with it, make it an asset or a liability? We should focus on its progress and come up with all endeavours.

“We have great talents around the world; we are the biggest intellectually sound country in the horn of Africa. Yes, we may have challenges but we are still blessed with arable land. We can do it; we can build our country.

“It is about practical determination and focused evaluation. Yes, it is our country; we have no other one, let us be proud that we are Nigerians. We can do it, we can show leadership to make democracy a lasting reference for the rest of Africa,” he said.

Speaking further, President Tinubu said his administration is focused on revamping the education and health sectors in order to boost the living conditions of Nigerians.

He said: “We have spent the last six months reviewing and evaluating ourselves. We have come a long way. Healthcare is a priority and education of our people is a must. No other weapon against poverty than education.

“We must build healthcare that works for all, look at the standard of education, look at the classrooms, look at the roads. We can only spend the money; we will find it. We cannot spend the people.”

The President was optimistic that things would improve, as he added that the menace of corruption would be surmounted.

“I believe in Nigeria. It started from the day I was sworn-in, that bold endeavour is only achieved through courage, determination and focused leadership. We are going through the reform but painfully we still have other challenges.

“Let us look forward and be determined that corruption will go, progress will be achieved, better wages for our workers; living wages. We will transform the economy to work for millions of our citizens. We must take 50 million people out of poverty,” he said. 

The Nigerian leader admonished Ministers and Permanent Secretaries to cooperate with one another in order to succeed as they carry out their tasks.  He also warned them to either perform or quit.

It’s not about theorizing. It’s about practical determination and focused evaluation. Yes, it is our country. We have no other one. Let’s be proud that we are Nigerians. We can do it, we can show leadership, we can fight to make democracy a lasting reference for the rest of Africa.


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