
What You Care, You Pay Attention…

Who says God doesn’t speak? Not only that he does, in diverse ways he speaks to those who not only have ears or hear but go the extra to listen to such “tiny but thunderous voice”

He uses even the smallest things to speak. And when he uses such, what hitherto made no sense, comes with deep rhema. It happened to me recently.

There is this sister in my parish who was relatively new. I guess not more than two years round. We greet and exchang pleasantries, but never took note of her absence whenever she wasn’t around before now.

For me, she was part of the crowd, the multitude, making it difficult to notice the missing ones, so I thought, only think about her whenever we see fleetingly. Aside that, to your tent oh Israel.

The challenge here isn’t in the multitude mindset, rather in the indifference. I never cared that is the truth.

Where there is care , even in a multitude, the cared ones would always be noticed and celebrated.

Like a twist, that who never meant anything, whose absence was never noticed or missed suddenly became so present to my mind that her few weeks of absence was noticed and missed.

I guess your mind will be running weird and wild, Popping like hot corns. Save yourself from such stress and maintain your sanity on the main crux of this piece,which is WHAT YOU CARE YOU PAY ATTENTION TO.

This is a life principle that applies in all. Care is the focal attraction to anything. What you care you attract and what you attract you pay attention to. If one cares about God, one attracts God and when God is attracted, attention is paid and when attention is paid it becomes easy to notice when he is either no more in ones space of consciousness or one losing attraction for him.

Oftentimes we float around, running helter-skelter, like a rolling stone, gathering no moss, caring less about the presence of God and paying no attention to his speakings to life.

Care more about God, your attention to him and his speakings will be appreciated.

Check, how many brothers or sisters in your church, fellowship , Club or community/ association meetings , that stopped coming for years which you never noticed? Plenty I guess. The reason is, you never cared and their absence or presence never your business.

Care has a way of creating an inner bond, making the thoughts of people to always come alive in ones subconscious.

If you belong to a group and you are gone for weeks and your absence isn’t noticed, the truth, though painful is, your impact isn’t enough, your parence not strong enough to make your absence noticeable to someone.

The sister that her absence was noticed and felt by me, to someone else she may be neither here nor there. Impact is the key.

Try, no matter how small to create impact along the road you ply. Try to create a nice fragrance around your space, so strong and appealing, once it isn’t perceived, questions would begin to come, where is he or she.

Many of us go around with neutral fragrance. Not nice not awful, just bland. Nobody cares about what is bland and no attention can be attracted by what is bland too. If you are neither hot nor cold you wil be spat out.

Have you suddenly remembered someone only to discover that they have been off the radar for months? I have. It has happened to me severally. To such persons I never cared and their impacts in my life not strong enough to miss their absence.

My charge to all is, try to care for all around you, make deliberate and conscious effort to pay attention to notice their absence. Besides, be deliberate in making your presence in people’s life so profound to make your absence felt. Try to be a rose flower, emitting nice fragrance. But if you can’t be such a rose flower, try to be something that will make your absence noticed. Just don’t be a waker come, waker go person. Be impactful no matter how small!

Over two thousand years ago Jesus’s name still resounds. He wasn’t the only child at that time. .. impact!!

Jarlath Uche Opara Jarlathuche@gmail.com


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